More Roulette Systems
The other systems below are very similar to the example system.
To understand these systems you need to first understand the example.
We also suggest that you have a quick look at Routrack’s manual, click here.
The systems, examples and screenshots below are only for practice purposes.
You will need to input spin numbers from the casino where you will start gambling.
Obviously for all systems, the more spins you have inserted into the program the better.
You can use Routrack at different casinos, track as many spins as possible before you start betting.
Routrack helps you to increase your chances to win at roulette.
** All files should be downloaded, unzipped and loaded into Routrack.
>>>>> 1st Roulette System, The Roulette Dozen and Column System <<<<<
This is the the system that was used as an example system on our website.
>>>>> 2nd Roulette System, The Roulette Six Line System <<<<<
Download and open the new example file in the Routrack software, It uses the same 1,000 spins but different sets of numbers/lines. Again we will be using Routrack combined with the practice European Roulette from this casino. Download and install the casino software for this example if you haven’t done so already.
How to bet, when & where to bet, and how much to bet
In this example we will bet on the Roulette Six Line.
One bet placed on 6 numbers on the layout.
Bet pays 5 to 1.
How to bet;
When you load the file, you can see that the 11 Roulette Six Lines are already added.
Add Spin: This is where you add new spin numbers.
Total Spins: Displays the total number of all spins.
Last 10 Spins: Displays the last 10 inserted / tracked numbers.
Undo Last: With this button you can remove the last inserted number.
Comment: You can add any comment in the comment box. For example where you got the spins from.
Line: A line is a set of numbers chosen by the player. You can add a line by clicking on “Add Line”.
Success: Will get checked automatically when the “Green On” threshold is reached.
Table On/Off: Can be checked On or Off, if checked and the “Green On” value is reached, all numbers light green on the table.
Highest Count: This is the highest count of a set of numbers (or line) how often the set did NOT get a hit on any of these numbers.
Ratio: The average number throughout the whole game from a set of numbers.
Green On: A set of numbers will light green on the “Green On” threshold value when they not had a hit for “X” times .
So Far: Value of how often a set of numbers have not been hit since the last hit.
Numbers: This is the set of numbers you want Routrack to track.
Add Line: You can specify which numbers you want in the set of numbers and set the value for the “Green On” threshold.
Edit Line: Select a line and then click on “Edit Line” too edit the numbers or change the “Green On” value.
Remove Line: Select a line and then click on “Remove Line” too remove a complete line.
Green numbers: Numbers light green when you can start betting on them.
Yellow numbers: Numbers light yellow when you can start betting on them, but now they are overlapping with an other line.
(1) Now start spinning the roulette wheel without betting, and insert the next 25 numbers into Routrack.
(Tip: Resize the Routrack software so that it only displays the table and Add Spin box on top of the casinos website.)
(2) After 1,003 spins Routrack calculated the highest count of the 4th line, 19,20,21,22,23,24 is 26.
(It will be slightly different after adding your 25 spins but we will use this as an example.)
(3) The Green On value is set to 25, and Routrack will light these numbers green on the table as soon as this SET of numbers did not have a hit for 25 consecutive spins. That means that ALL 6 numbers of the SET have NOT been hit for 25 consecutive spins.
But hold on, as you can see that the highest count for a set of 6 numbers can go up to 48. (see 5th line)
To be safe you can do the following: Take the highest count from all sets, in this case 48, and if you want to stake your money 25 times maximum (see progression table below), you can take 48 subtract 25 and set the Green On treshold to 23. To be extra safe, set it to24 or 25 or more. To change the Green On value, click on the line you want to edit, and then click on Edit Line and change the Green On threshold value. Now it is safe to start betting.
(4) Now keep spinning the roulette wheel and enter the numbers into Routrack untill the first set of numbers light green on the Routrack table.
When and where to bet;
Routrack calculated that the set of numbers of the 4th line (all 6 numbers) did not get a hit for 25 times, and lit the set of numbers green on the Routrack table.
(5) Now you can start betting on A, which are the numbers 19,20,21,22,23,24.
Don’t place your bet on all numbers separately! Place a $1 bet on A (Roulette Six Line Bet).
If you win, then wait for the next green numbers to show up.
If you lose, bet on the same place and use the progression table below until you win.
A – shows where to place a bet.
B – shows that there is a Success for that line.
C- value for the “Green On” threshold, or when the set of numbers should light green on the table.
D- change the value of the “Green On” threshold value with “Edit Line”.
How much to bet;
Use the progression table below until you have a hit on this line/set of numbers and win!
As soon as you have a hit the numbers will no longer light green anymore, and you need to wait for the next green numbers.
Spin number: 1 – Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $5
Spin number: 2 – Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 3 – Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 4- Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $2
Spin number: 5- Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 6- Stake: $2 if this is a win you gain $5
Spin number: 7- Stake: $2 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 8- Stake: $2 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 9- Stake: $3 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 10- Stake: $3 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 11- Stake: $4 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 12- Stake: $5 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 13- Stake: $6 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 14- Stake: $7 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 15- Stake: $8 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 16- Stake: $10 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 17- Stake: $12 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 18- Stake: $14 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 19- Stake: $17 if this is a win you gain $2
Spin number: 20- Stake: $21 if this is a win you gain $5
Spin number: 21- Stake: $25 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 22 – Stake: $30 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 23- Stake: $36 if this is a win you gain $4
Spin number: 24- Stake: $43 if this is a win you gain $3
Spin number: 25- Stake: $52 if this is a win you gain $5
And so on. You can calculate the remaining stakes easily. For example:
Spin number 17 should be: Bet pays 5 to 1. If you stake $12 and win you win $12 x 6 = $72. Subtract the previous losses/stakes from it, $72 – $12 (this stake) – $10 – $8 – $7 – $6 – $5 – $4 – $3 – $3 – $2 – $2 – $2 – $1 – $1 -$1 – $1 – $1 = $3. You gain/win $3.
* You will need a bankroll of $307. If that is too much for you, than you can increase the Green On threshold to a higher number.
* If you start playing roulette at this casino and you deposit at least $25 they will add a Bonus of 100% to your account. Up to $300!
* If for whatever reason you can’t spin without betting, bet $1 on red and $1 on black.
* The more spins you have inserted into Routrack from the roulette wheel you are playing, the better.
(This will give you a better indication of highest counts for a certain set, and lets you determine a safe “Green On” value.)
* Table limits do refer to Roulette Six Line.
>>> 3rd Roulette System, Combined Dozen/Column / Roulette Six Line System <<<
You can also use both systems at once: Dozen Bets/Column Bets and Roulette Six Line Bets. Download the example file,
>>>>>> 4th Roulette System, Roulette Even Chance System <<<<<<
Download and open the new example file in the Routrack software, It uses the same 1,000 spins but different set of numbers/lines. Again, we will be using Routrack combined with the practice European Roulette from this casino.
Roulette Even Chance Bets
Red, black, odd, even, 1-18 and 19-36.
A = numbers 1 -18
B = even numbers
C = red numbers
D = black number
E = odd numbers
F = numbers 1-19
Even chance bets pay even money.
If zero wins even chances lose half.
(online casinos do not always do this though)
When you load the 4thexample.rou file, you can see that the red, black, odd, even, 1-18 and 19-36 numbers are already added.
(1) Now start spinning the roulette wheel without betting, and insert the next 25 numbers into Routrack.
(Tip: Resize the Routrack software only so that it only displays the table and Add Spin box on top of the casinos website)
(2) After 1,011 spins Routrack calculated the highest count for the 5th line, all odd numbers, is 10.
(It will be slightly different after adding your 25 spins but we will use this as an example.)
(3) The Green On value is set to 10 and Routrack will light these numbers green on the table as soon as this SET of numbers did NOT have a hit for 10 consecutive spins. That means that ALL 18 numbers have NOT been hit for 10 consecutive spins.
As you can see, the highest count for a set of 18 numbers can go up to 14. (see 4th line)
To be safe you can do the following: Take the highest count from all sets, in this case 14, and if you want to stake your money 8 times maximum (see progression table below), you can take 14 subtract 8 and set the Green On threshold to 6. To be extra safe set it to 7 or 8 or more. To change the Green On value, click on the line you want to edit and then click on Edit Line to change the Green On threshold value. Now it is safe to start betting.
(4) Now keep spinning the roulette wheel and enter the numbers into Routrack until the first set of numbers light green on the Routrack table.
When and where to bet;
Routrack calculated that the set of numbers for the 4th line (all 18 numbers) did not get a hit for 10 times and lights the set of numbers green on the Routrack table.
(5) Now you can start betting on A which is the 4th line/all odd numbers.
Don’t place your bet on all numbers separately! Place a $1 bet on A (odd numbers box) and then use the progression table below.
A – shows where to place a bet.
B – shows that there is a Success for that line.
C- value for the “Green On” threshold, or when the set of numbers should light green on the table.
D- change the value of the “Green On” threshold value with “Edit Line”.
How much to bet;
Use the progression table below until you have a hit on this line/set of numbers and win!
(When you have a hit, the numbers will no longer light green anymore)
Spin number: 1 – Stake: $1 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 2 – Stake: $2 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 3 – Stake: $4 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 4- Stake: $8 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 5- Stake: $16 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 6- Stake: $32 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 7- Stake: $64 if this is a win you gain $1
Spin number: 8- Stake: $128 if this is a win you gain $1
Note: The problem with this system is that you have to stake a lot and can only gain $1.
* You will need a bankroll of $255. If that is too much for you, than you can increase the Green On threshold to a higher number.
* If you start playing roulette at this casino and you deposit at least $25 they will add a Bonus of 100% to your account. Up to $300!
* If for whatever reason you can’t spin without betting, bet $1 on red and $1 on black.
* The more spins you have inserted into Routrack from the roulette wheel you are playing the better.
(This will give you a better indication of highest counts for a certain set, and lets you determine a safe “Green On” value.)
* Table limits do refer to Even Chance bets.
>>>>>> 5th Roulette System, Yellow Numbers System <<<<<<
When the numbers turn yellow, this indicates that two or more lines/set of numbers overlap.
Now you have a big chance of getting a single number right, and you could bet $1 on each yellow number.
Keep track of how often you have done this, because if you hit a yellow number within 36 chances, you win!
>>>>>> 6th Roulette System, Your Own System <<<<<<
Obviously this software can work for all other systems, even for random sets of numbers you created your own.
You can make lots of variations and let Routrack calculate. You can make your own system for other common bets.
Or use all systems at once: Dozen Bets, Column Bets, Even Chance, Six Line Bets,
For example:
Roulette Street, one bet placed on 3 numbers on the layout. Bet pays 11 to 1.
Roulette Corner, one bet placed on 4 numbers on the layout. Bet pays 8 to 1.
Roulette Split or Cheval, this is one bet placed on 2 numbers on the layout. Bet pays 17-1.
The principle of how the software works stays the same, and you can calculate your own progression table for each system.
For example, see the Roulette Six Line, 5th system. The bet pays 5 to 1. If you stake $12 and win, then you win $12 x 6 = $72. Subtract the previous losses/stakes from it, $72 – 12 (last stake) – $10 – $8 – $7 – $6 – $5 – $4 – $3 – $3 – $2 – $2 – $2 – $1 – $1 -$1 – $1 – $1 = $3. You gain/win $3.
>>>>>> Roulette Systems in Progress <<<<<<
Right now we are busy developing new systems for the Roulette Split or Cheval, Roulette Street and Roulette Corner. As soon as we have these ready, they will be added to this page.